This day was peaceful, even before we all woke. With the heaviness behind us, we all went about this day with a peaceful, optimistic and trusting walk. When mom arrived to the hospital this morning we got some good good news. Whitney had a great night last night and went through the day with some great numbers, she is even more closer then she has been to getting on the new ventilator! Thank you Jesus for your blessings!
It is hard to really explain what a ICU waiting room does to people and how complete strangers, who maybe are believers or maybe aren't have a common bond and can feel each others deep pain. We all have different circumstances that bring us to the ICU waiting room, but in the end they know some of your deepest hurts, see your biggest fears and for that you cant change that relationship. We have been able to develop special relationships with some very special people.
The common conversation that comes up in the quietness of this room is Why? For what reason? Interesting enough many families we have had the pleasure of meeting have had some very deep and heartfelt conversations with us and us with them. Some have been fellow believers. To share our joys and pains has been more of a journey we weren't even prepared for. We have come to cherish the ups for other patients and their family members and feel the gut wrenching pain when someone loses someone as well.
I have over analyzed many reasons for why this has happened and I can't help but be reminded of the Father we know and how blessed we are and how miraculous His love is for us and oh, how much His glory is being seen by so many people, those who walk with Christ and those who don't.
If my sister has do go through this brutal illness to see a few more souls in heaven...then so be it. Right? Isn't that what it is all about? I know my sister will be healed, I know God will be the one to do it, but if someone can be saved through her story of survival and miraculous healing then it is all worth it, including the ups and downs and the pain we her family are going through.
I will never be able to convey how healing our God is more then you seeing how healing our God is. He is mighty to save! He is alive in us! May Whitney's story and how amazing it is be a constant reminder of how great and mighty our God is and how much He loves us, He loves us so much that He sent his son to die for we will be free, live a life in eternity, how cool is that! How amazing is that!
Thank you for your continued prayers and the continual support!
With eager hearts,
Whit's Sisters
Thank you for the update. Your family has been in my thoughts and prayers daily. I believe in miracles and hearing your families upbeat attitude in the face of a crisis has truly encouraged me. Stay strong and we will continue to pray.
Dawn Manthey
Yay for good news and a great outlook, treasure those moments and remember them during the hard one's. You are amazing, Whitney is blessed to have her family next to her!!