Thursday, March 31, 2011

Roller Coaster

We have been told that this journey would be a roller coaster, many health care professionals as well as people who have gone through a similar journey as well.  

I googled roller coasters to gather a definition to help convey the roller coaster we have been on the last 3 google point described it as ---"Going from the bottom to the top of a wave and then back down." and "anything characterized by abrupt and extreme changes, especially up and down"  and lastly "When your emotions go up and down like a roller coaster. For example, you keep slipping in between happiness and sadness"

Whitney has been holding on and fighting. We are optimistic she will continue to climb up this steep mountain...she had made it at least 1/4 of the way before she fell back down again. I believe through the power of prayer and with God's healing hands she will get back up the mountain. We are taking it one day at a time again. Waiting on God to heal Whitney. I believe with my whole heart that Whitney will be healed, but in my human way want so desperately to just see her better now...and am trying to bargain with God. I hear the words "Whitney will be healed, but in My time" constantly...I hope and pray those are God's words to me and not me saying them to myself. Anyone who has gone through something this tough can understand the conversations in the mind, the heart and with Christ.

Pray for our peace as a family and for endurance. The heatlh care professionals aren't uplifting at all and Satan is finding many joy stealer's to do his work! Thank you for the encouraging words, uplifting prayers and the constant reminders that God is with us and God is in control!

With eager hearts,
Whit's Sisters


  1. Satan never wins, DeAnna. God will always prevail and his power is more than anything. I know that roller coaster rides are exhausting and you want to get off, but everyone who knows Whitney, you and your Mom and sisters is holding you up so that you can feel God's love, peace, and encouragement. Stay strong against Satan's attempts, while we pray for Whitney, you, and your family.

  2. Oh DeAnna, my heart is there with you girl. I literally just got done messaging one of Krista's work friends and used the term roller coaster!! Our roller coaster continues as well, it's so exhausting and darn the healthcare professionals that can be so negative and discouraging. Thank God for the good one's that come along in between that are like lil diamonds in a heap of dirt. Hand in there girl and know that every thought, feeling and emotion that you are having is human and I have gone there. You are an amazing sister and doing everything you can to support and believe and intercede for your sister. God is in control, and yes He will heal Whitney just only He knows when and how. My prayer is for a sense of calm and peace that covers everything else and that this would be a time to draw close to family and friends and make the most of every minute.
    My heart and love to you!
